dbain headshot

I'm David Bain
I turn Fuzzy ideas
into Clarity &
Digital Experiences.


In my experience, it is rare that things align with your initial assumptions, design is a journey of learning, observing and adapting accordingly.

There's no substitute for seeing actual users interacting with your work – it helps to quickly cure you of misaligned notions.

Discovering what truly works requires structured cycles of observation and adjustment, not debates and conjecture.

In the end, technology should prioritise people over pixels. After all, actually solving the problem is a really good look.

Let’s combine your team’s expertise with my superpowers to unlock something awesome.

Stuff I’ve done for Clients

Client Projects

Texas Business Law Section

Insurance Industry MVP

Compliance User Experience Project

Shipping and Logistics User Experience Project

Loads of stuff across many industries

Need to know more?

Web works

Web Projects

Texas Business Law Section

Insurance Industry MVP

Compliance User Experience Project

Shipping and Logistics User Experience Project

Web Portfolio

Need to know more?

My Own ProDucts and Services

My Own




Speaky Spokey

Steady Drummer

Alteroo (no longer a going concern)



Momentum Podcast (5 episodes)

Started in November 2023, Momentum is about conversations with makers to compare notes, and shine a spotlight on what they're doing as they build new products and experiences. This season focuses specifically on conversations with makers from the Webflow community.1

View the playlist below:

Make-err Podcast (1 episode and counting)

The Make-err podcast is a spin-off of the Momentum Podcast (in my mind, it is Momentum season 2). I was lucky to kick it off with Dan Mall. Until I release additional episodes, enjoy this one:

Asking better questions

A talk presented in 2020 about a systematic approach to learning, including effective strategies for asking questions, providing answers, and maintaining valuable notes for future reference.

Events and Other Things I've worked on


Fuel Dance Showcase

Sunday Breeze - Birthday and Anniversary Tracker

Webcraft Conf

ODT-Jinja Merge

YUP, I Teach people stuff


Design Tools

UX and Innovation Methodologies


Web Development and Python

For Designers, Developers, Product managers

Invest in your Digital Skillset with "Your First 3 Hours" Academy

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Step up your digital innovation game by spending your your first 3 hours with David Bain

Figma, UX, Ecommerce and Innovation Methodologies

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    Courses & workshops
    in tech, innovation and design

    Blog posts


    I write about processes, workflows, client interactions and technologies for professionals who design and build digital experiences. Of interest to digital agencies, product developers and consultants who want to improve how they do things.

    Medium Articles (on tech, design, product development and entrepreneurship)

    My Old Blogger Blog (cover lots of niche tech stuff)

    Methodologies & Tech

    Tools and Tech

    It's no longer enough to list the technologies I'm familiar with. Tools are more than just software and programming languages, there are tools that help you think, such as the lean canvas or the design sprint. For this reason, I prefer to use


    Thinking Tools

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